Letter September 2024

Abdy Electriciteh

26 September 2024

Hi everyone,

This has been the longest time since ever between sending letters. Actually, I have written two incomplete letters. I was just reading them. It is amazing when one can relate the theme and feeling of certain periods and events after the passage of time, realizing how the fabric of consciousness and life is shaped by time.

We fast forward our lives at very high speeds so often because our ego needs to override the present in order to satisfy its need to participate in the creation of the future. After all, we have no control of the present because it is happening in front of our eyes. On the other hand, we can easily set goals and expectations to push for a future that is supporting our conditionings.

If you take the time to watch your life in slow motion, you will see amazing moments that you had completely missed. Witnessing the flow of those moments will allow you to realize the well directed and extremely touching movie of all time. There have been no flaws. Every part has been set perfectly to support the part after to create the masterpiece of your life. Each of our lives is an Oscar winner unseen by anyone. Take the time to see it.

Everything is changing so rapidly. Most people are so challenged putting up with these changes. I always asked myself if I needed to adapt and equip myself to navigate through the new eras. Of course, saying no was always deep in my nature. It is good to ride the waves, but I have always chosen to be a submarine sometimes deep in the sea, and other times just under the surface. I don’t need the motion sickness for anticipation of not missing out on a beautiful view. Being still has the most beautiful views of Chaos.

I spent August in Thailand and Japan with my family. The Japan gathering was very powerful. The impact of it will yet to be realised. I don’t have immediate plans yet. I might have a few events in the USA this year and Australia in January. The Costa Rica retreats will be in March, with a new twist next year. I am planning on a gathering in Egypt focused on self realisation early July.

I have worked on more than 30 million women to support their connection with female energy in the last three years. It has been very rewarding witnessing its impact while receiving so much pleasure learning the human psyche relating to gender, age, and ethnicity. Most of all, I have been very busy witnessing moments.

These letters always touch you on many levels. The most fundamental part of it is integrity. Integrity makes our connections untouchable. It is like a virus that spreads through our being and to other ones. Integrity is your only responsibility as a human.

Feel it, be it and pass it on.

In Bliss
